In a world where dominant narratives often undermine the voices of Black girls, the STILE Project emerges as a powerful force for change. Drawing inspiration from influential Black feminists like Patricia Hill Collins and Mikki Kendall, STILE envisions a new rhetoric that amplifies the significance of Black girl literacies. Through participatory research and ethnography, STILE-ology reshapes the discourse surrounding Black girlhood, giving rise to narratives that are unapologetically authentic.
STILE’s curriculum invites introspection and active engagement, enabling Black girls to embrace their multifaceted identities. By providing a platform for self-expression through various literacies, STILE empowers girls to challenge societal norms and define their own narratives. The STILE-isms page, with its affirmations of self-worth and empowerment, acts as a beacon of inspiration, encouraging Black girls to stand tall and proud. As the STILE Project takes root and expands, it carries the promise of a world where Black girls’ brilliance shines undiminished.